Great Expectations Durham
Family doctors growing families

Admission Timing
You need to be seen before 36 weeks if:
- your water breaks – it may be a large gush but it may also be a small leak that keeps recurring OR
- you are bleeding from your vagina OR
- you have abdominal pain or on-going cramping, especially with a pattern of increasing strength or regular pattern
You need to be seen after 36 weeks if:
your water breaks- it may be a large gush but it may also be a small leak that keeps recurring (especially if GBS positive) OR
you are in labour and your contractions are approximately five minutes apart (10 minutes if this is not your first delivery) and so strong that you cannot talk through them easily (they may last approximately one minute long by that point). If they are not that strong you should try to relax, sleep or have a warm bath OR
you are bleeding more than normal “show”. “Show” is usually spotting or bloody mucous that may come before or with labour. Excessive bleeding is like a period or more.
In the evening/night (after 4pm) or on the weekend, call or go to Labour & Delivery the L&D phone number is 905-576-8711 ext 3232
To get to L&D: If you're entering through the North entrance, go straight ahead, past the escalators until you reach the end of the hall. Turn right and follow the hallway to the G-Wing elevator. When you reach the 3rd floor, turn left off the elevator and make a right to find the main entrance to our program. To visit someone staying in our F wing, just turn right off the elevator and enter through the doors.
Call if you are uncertain of what to do; the L&D staff will advise and always know how to reach us 24/7, if necessary.
During the day, before 28 weeks, call your doctor’s office for advice. But after hours and after 28 weeks, please call the birthing suite and speak to one of the nurses for advice.
- soap, shampoo and other personal items
- maxi pads, newborn diapers (you will receive a “starter pack” with these items)
- Bathrobe, slippers, own pajamas (if you wish)
Labour & Delivery is on G3, Maternity/Newborn Care is on F3
- Support people are permitted in L&D. We recommend that you choose 1-2 people to support you consistently in your journey of bringing a new life into this world.
- Only 1 support person is allowed into the Operating Room during a C-section.
- Visiting hours on the postpartum floor after the baby is born, are 11am-8pm
- 1 support person (with armband) may have unrestricted visiting hours in the Labour and Delivery Area and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Partners in Pregnancy Peterborough website info